Sounds from the North…part 1

Posted on 14/02/2021 by


I’ve been wanting to get back into some audio recordings for some time now, but I’ve found a bit of a mental and creative block with returning to what was my favourite medium for nearly ten years.

I think the difficulty is that audio recording and radio was something that I did professionally. Yes, I started out as an amateur (literally someone who does it for the love) and in community radio stations, but I also spent years producing professional work that was broadcast in Scotland and America. Unlike my photography, which has always been more of a side-hobby, I expect more of myself when it comes to audio…but I lack the time at this point of my life to make and edit complicated, layered audio pieces.

So, I’ve decided to just start posting some very simple, short and unedited sound recordings – the equivalent of snapshots – to help me get back into the audio headspace and get my “ear” in.

Here’s the first three – a recording of a wee morning ritual of mine letting out the chickens; an ambient recording of bird life in the woods, with the crunch of snow underfoot; and finally a recording I made a while back of thousands of geese taking flight in Findhorn Bay. This last recording is worth wearing headphones for a 3d experience – the sound was really something.

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