A bitter wind from the East…

Posted on 14/02/2021 by


The last few days there has been a bitter easterly wind and glowering grey skies. It is warmer, and the snow is melting, but it feels colder – without the sunlight bouncing of the snow, it’s a bit grim. In such dull light, at this point in the winter, it’s harder to get satisfying shots in nature.

But I found some unexpected beauty here and there; in the dried hogweed seed heads in the field; the delicate green of a lilac bushes leaves; the thousands of small scattered pine cones that have suddenly appeared on the snow, after the heavy winds.

I’ve also been keeping busy with projects despite the snow – I’m draw-knifing pine tree poles for a garage I’m building, as well as finishing the woodstack round the caravan, and the sauna cladding. And we’ve got the tree house to finish, and a showman’s wagon to renovate! But things have definitely slowed down…it’s Moomim-Midwinter Blues here today….

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